ATTENTION: Anyone interested in recovering your health!
Discover How to prosper in body, soul and spirit
Identify Common Obstacles Blocking Your Health and Experience Hope to Be Healthy and Whole
Idols Exposed webinar
The replay for Cheryl Townsley’s webinar: 
“3 Secrets to Health: God’s Holistic Plan for Body, Soul, and Spirit”
will be posted here on May 5!

Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay of the webinar
 with Cheryl Townsley:
“3 Secrets to Health: God's Holistic Plan for Body, Soul, and Spirit”
The video above includes the Q&A
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for the webinar with
with Cheryl Townsley:
“3 Secrets to Health: God's Holistic Plan for Body, Soul, and Spirit”
The video above does not include the Q&A
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay of the webinar with Cheryl Townsley:
“3 Secrets to Health:  God's Holistic Plan for Body, Soul, and Spirit””
The video above does not include the Q&A
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
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Cheryl smiling
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From the desk of Cheryl Townsley
Founder of Lifestyle for Health
Have you ever experienced one or more of the following symptoms?
  • ​Fatigue
  • ​Muscle and body ache
  • ​Shortness of breath
  • ​Inability to concentrate or make decisions
  • ​Insomnia
  • ​Anxiety
  • ​Dizziness
  • ​Heart palpitations
  • ​Pain
Most of us have probably had at least one of these physical symptoms of mental or emotional distress at one point or another in our lives.

But did you know that stress and emotional strain not only cause short-term physical ailments but can also significantly alter your brain function?

In fact, these changes in your brain can have devastating impact on your physical health long after the initial trauma has passed.

The chaos of our world is affecting your health far more than you may realize…
You may be shocked to learn that watching your diet, taking supplements, and exercising are not the only tools you need to experience whole health.


God created you with a body, soul, and spirit. Your health is intricately connected to the peace and wholeness of these three component parts of your being. Chronic disease, fatigue, inflammation, pain… are your body’s warning system that something’s out of balance. The good news is, when you learn to recognize the source of your symptoms, you CAN recover your health.
hand touching grass softly
If you want to identify common obstacles blocking your health and learn three secrets to integrating your body, soul, and spirit with God’s shalom (perfect peace), you won’t want to miss....
Hope - Health, Original Purpose For Everyone
Health—Original Purpose for Everyone
4-Section Class with Cheryl Townsley
Are you looking for a breakthrough in your physical health and well-being? 

Are you frustrated with nagging issues, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, or just overall lack of energy or vigor to do the things you love?

Are you concerned about maintaining your longevity and independence as you age?

At some point, you may have decided to address your physical health—perhaps you started a new diet, an exercise regime, or made a New Year’s resolution to “be healthy.”

If you’re like 95% of the population, your success was short lived and you’re back at square one—or worse.

So, what exactly is health? And why is it so hard to get there?

The Hebrew word, shalom, best defines health. It signifies a sense of well-being and harmony both within and without. To walk in shalom is to have nothing broken and nothing missing in your life. It means prospering in body, soul, and spirit.

That’s the perfect health God intended you to have from the beginning.

Romans 14:17 tells us, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
While this verse is talking about love and grace versus the Law of Moses, it is also indicative of why many of us continually struggle with our health. You could almost say, 

“For your health is not only a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” 

Yes, diet and exercise are important to attaining optimal health, but they are only a fraction of the total equation.
In this comprehensive online course, you will address issues related to your physical body, but you will ALSO discover the rest of the equation. God created you with a body, soul, and spirit—and any approach to health must address all three.
woman with outstretched arms and peaceful
God revealed His ancient paths from the Garden to help you walk in the shalom health that He intended you to have. If you are ready to journey through that door, you won’t want to miss this life-changing class.

Your past does not define your future. There is hope you can be healthy and whole!

The foundational principles, practical tools, and powerful strategies in this class will help you get there and stay there for the rest of your life.
In this class you will learn...
  • How to have the energy to do what God has called you to do
  • How to regain a flexible body that can move all day without pain or stiffness
  • How to regulate your emotions so you operate from wisdom rather than reaction
  • How to be free of anxiety, worry, and depression so you can walk in joy
  • What Scripture says about food
  • A sustainable approach to food that isn’t based on deprivation or a “diet”
  • How the strengths and weaknesses of your blood type affects you
  • How your brain works and affects your physical body
  • ​How to reset yourself when you experience a setback or discouragement
  • ​Why a sick spiritual root can produce sick physical fruit and what to do about it
  • ​How to connect with SHALOM—spirit, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and body—so you can disconnect from the chaos of the world and resulting health consequences

SAMPLE TEACHING with Cheryl Townsley
Welcome to HOPE!

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Class Sections
Overview of H.O.P.E.—4 Section Class

Click the play button above for the class description
by Cheryl Townsley

This life-changing, live-giving class includes 4 sections with 39 pre-recorded short lessons, as well as 3 LIVE Q&A sessions.
Section 1: Welcome to HOPE!
There are 3 MODELS to address health issues—Medical, Alternative, and Wholeness

While each model can serve a purpose, only the wholeness model addresses the complex interplay of body, soul, and spirit in achieving shalom and the freedom to live life in the fullness for which God created you. In this section, you will discover the strengths and weaknesses of the 3 health models, what is unique about the HOPE class, and the outcomes this wholeness model can achieve—living life well with nothing broken and nothing missing. In other words, shalom health!  

Preview: Section 1, Lesson 1

  • Lesson 1: Welcome to HOPE!
  • Lesson 2: Introduction to Your Instructor
  • Lesson 3: What is HOPE and How to Use the Program
  • Lesson 4: Mind Set
  • Lesson 5: How to Use the Cooking for Life Cookbook
Section 2: Body Health
Body health is much more than a lack of disease. It is a lifestyle that ensures you have energy to work and play. It is having the knowledge you need to look good each year and even reverse the aging process afflicting your physical body. It is learning how to navigate modern health-busters with God’s wisdom and timeless principles for wholeness and shalom. In this section, you will learn, through 8 lessons how to address your lifestyle to avoid inflammation, improve digestion, and eliminate toxins so you are fit, balanced, healthy, and ready to answer the opportunities God’s destiny will send knocking at your door.

Preview: Section 2, Lesson 1

  • Lesson 1: What Disturbs Your Health?
  • Lesson 2: Eat More of What God Created and Less of What Man Messed Up!
  • Lesson 3: What Does Scripture Say About Food?
  • Lesson 4: Blood Type Considerations
  • Lesson 5: Inflammation: What Is It?
  • Lesson 6: Digestion Basics
  • Lesson 7: Address Cravings
  • Lesson 8: Recommended Supplements
Lesson 1: What Disturbs Your Health?
This lesson will help you discover obvious and often over-looked sources of toxicity that are draining your body of health and reserves.

Lesson 2: Eat More of What God Created and Less of What Man Messed Up!
Learn how to take baby steps in improving your health by moving toward more of what God created in produce, meats, fish, dairy, and more. This simplifies the eating process.

Lesson 3: What Does Scripture Say About Food?
Daniel is a great example of following God’s prescription for diet and being found ten times greater than the best in the kingdom. Understanding Biblical perspective of food without legalism sets the stage for being at your best.

Lesson 4: Blood Type Considerations
Each of the four blood types has strengths and weaknesses. This lesson will help you identify your blood type and understand how it affects you.

Lesson 5: Inflammation: What Is It?
Inflammation is at the root of all disease. Inflammation automatically happens during threat and stress. Learning how to recognize it and how to begin reversing it gives you the opportunity to be healthier and slow down the aging process.

Lesson 6: Digestion Basics
When you don’t digest your food, you can’t obtain the energy found in the food. Learn the symptoms that reflect poor digestion and what you can do to address them.

Lesson 7: Address Cravings
Cravings are the body saying it needs something. Learning how to interpret your cravings and give your body what it is looking for is so much easier than trying to use will power alone, which simply doesn’t work.

Lesson 8: Recommended Supplements
Supplements should simply be “supplemental” to a healthy lifestyle. Learn the priorities to build your optimal supplement program and where to find them at the best-prices.

Section 3: Soul Health 
The human soul consists of your mind, will, and emotions. It encompasses all your decision processes (conscious and subconscious), the brainstem (which automatically regulates your body processes and stress response), as well as the harmony of your inner thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and perceptions of the world. While your brain is taking in millions of data points every second of every day through your senses, your soul is the filter through which you interpret and make decisions based on that data.

Preview: Section 3, Lesson 1

Most health programs focus on changing behavior through the will (making good choices and exercising “will-power”), but frequently the will is fighting a losing battle with other areas of the soul that are running things behind the scenes. Fear, anger, and sorrow are potent emotions that have a direct physical impact on your body and overall health. In this section, you will discover the critical role soul health plays in regulating your physical body. Learn how to short-circuit old patterns and restore your soul. 

Receive powerful tools to address emotions and trauma, reset your Vagus Nerve, breathing, and endocrine regulators, and free up your body’s capacity to heal.
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Soul Health 
  • Lesson 2: Connect to Courage
  • Lesson 3: How Your Brain Works: Introduction
  • Lesson 4: How Your Brain Works: Flow
  • Lesson 5: How Your Brain Works: Input
  • Lesson 6: How Your Brain Works: Interpretation
  • Lesson 7: How Your Brain Works: Stress/Threat Bucket
  • Lesson 8: How Your Brain Works: Output
  • Lesson 9: How Your Brain Works: Fuel
  • ​Lesson 10: How Your Brain Works: Your Brain Likes Easy
  • Lesson 11: How Your Brain Works: Range of Motion
  • Lesson 12: How Your Brain Works: Mobility Drills
  • Lesson 13: Resets: Vagus Nerve
  • ​Lesson 14: Resets: Breathing
  • ​Lesson 15: Resets: Startle Reflex
  • ​Lesson 16: Resets: Pineal/Pituitary/Hypothalamus
  • Lesson 17: How Emotions and Traumas Are Stored in the Body
  • ​Lesson 18: Creating Congruency
  • ​Lesson 19: Creating Margin
Lesson 1: Introduction to Soul Health

Lesson 2: Connect to Courage
Whenever God calls you to change, He says “Do not fear, be of good courage.” Learning how to connect to good courage empowers you to make changes without the brainstem stepping into fear and shutdown.

Lesson 3: How Your Brain Works: Introduction
Without understanding your brain, you unknowingly create patterns of self-sabotage. Understanding the brain lets you optimize the scripture, Matthew 11:28–30, which says, “His way is easy!” Discover the true importance of easy.

Lesson 4: How Your Brain Works: Flow
There is a flow to how your brainstem (not your logical brain) operates. Input plus interpretation create the given output.

Lesson 5: How Your Brain Works: Input
Input relates to the sensory information coming in from your skin, joints, smell, taste, sight, sound, and touch. Some input locations may not be working effectively, thus taking in inaccurate, or incomplete input.

Lesson 6: How Your Brain Works: Interpretation
Your brainstem interprets input data based on past trauma, programs, beliefs, and experiences. Your brain doesn’t store facts, it stores those interpretations at the time of the incidents.

Lesson 7: How Your Brain Works: Stress/Threat Bucket
Stress is anything that is unfamiliar, unknown, or unpredictable. Stress accumulates if it isn’t reset. Learn how the stress bucket is operating in your life.

Lesson 8: How Your Brain Works: Output
When your brain and body are struggling, you experience chronic pain, insomnia, poor digestion, brain fog, anxiety, depression, and so much more. Learn how to interpret your output.

Lesson 9: How Your Brain Works: Fuel
Your brain needs fuel: oxygen, water, and food. Without adequate fuel, your brain will shut down or even go into a form of lock down.

Lesson 10: How Your Brain Works: Your Brain Likes Easy
Learning how to step into change that the brain thinks is safe is key for any long-lasting change. This is foundational yet goes against your logic!

Lesson 11: How Your Brain Works: Range of Motion
Range of motion becomes the best assessment process to know if your brainstem likes or doesn’t like anything. Once you learn how to assess your body, you can discover so much about what does or doesn’t work for you.

Lesson 12: How Your Brain Works: Mobility Drills
Easy mobility drills help you create flexibility in your body. The high pay-off drills in this lesson are time-tested with great results. You can use Range of Motion to determine which ones work best for you.

Lesson 13: Resets: Vagus Nerve
The Vagus Nerve is the most important nerve in the body. It is the only one that goes into the brain and into the body. It impacts cognition, tight neck and shoulders, voice, breathing, and digestion. Learn how to reset your Vagus Nerve.

Lesson 14: Resets: Breathing
Breathing is the indicator that lets the brainstem know if it is safe or unsafe. Most people are unaware of shallow breathing or holding their breath. Learn simple ways to improve quality, deep breathing which immediately supports brain health.

Lesson 15: Resets: Startle Reflex
When we go through trauma, the startle reflex is automatically turned on. This can happen at birth or any time after. Learn how to identify it and reset it. This works for children as well as adults.

Lesson 16: Resets: Pineal/Pituitary/Hypothalamus
These glands in the brain impact sleep, digestion, hunger, thirst, and much more. Learning how to easily reset them can have many benefits and often help with sleep and a sense of calmness. They take less than a minute to reset once you know how.

Lesson 17: How Emotions and Traumas Are Stored in the Body
Emotions are energy and when we swallow them, they go somewhere. They become underlying factors in health in many ways.

Lesson 18: Creating Congruency
Congruency is the measurement of whether you are single-minded or double-minded. When you are double-minded, you are unstable and can’t create the changes you desire.

Lesson 19: Creating Margin
If you have no savings in your finances and you are hit with an unexpected bill, you can’t pay it. When your body is out of energy, you don’t have the capacity to heal. Learn how you can create margin to enhance your healing.
Section 4: Spirit Health
You are a spiritual being with a physical body. The best way to know the state of your spiritual health is to look at the fruit. Your roots (emotional and spiritual) are fed by thoughts, emotions, and relationships. Research has shown that unresolved emotions are converted into a biochemical response which is stored in various organs and systems of the body. In essence, the status of your spiritual health moves throughout your body, impacting every organ and system inside you. In this section, you will learn how to recognize disease in your spiritual roots so you can prayerfully heal, release, and eliminate soul ties, offenses, habits, and thought patterns that are negatively affecting your health. At the end you will receive a blessing for shalom.

Preview: Section 4 - Lesson 1

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Spirit Health 
  • Lesson 2: Soul Ties
  • Lesson 3: Offenses
  • Lesson 4: Walls of Resistance
  • Lesson 5: Complaining, Unfair, and Worry
  • Lesson 6: Blessings for Shalom Health
  • Lesson 7: Staying Connected
Lesson 1: Introduction to Spirit Health

Lesson 2: Soul Ties
When you give your heart and soul to a person, place, or thing, you create a soul tie. Often soul ties are limited to intimate relationships. However, a person can have a soul tie to food, health, trauma, and so much more. Learn how to pray through and disconnect from unhealthy soul ties.

Lesson 3: Offenses
Offenses can impact spiritual and physical health. The Bible talks about offenses, yet few people have connected them to their health. Discover the connection and how to pray through to disconnect from past and present offenses.

Lesson 4: Walls of Resistance
Resistance keeps you stuck where you are. Resistance reflects your brainstem feeling unsafe in moving forward and it will resist your best intentions. Discover where resistance may be sabotaging you.

Lesson 5: Complaining, Unfair, and Worry
The Israelites took forty years to complete an eleven-day journey due to complaining and murmuring. Discover how these habits could be the foxes stealing your best health from you.

Lesson 6: Blessings for Shalom Health
Knowing the power of blessing, we close this class with a shalom blessing for you.

Lesson 7: Staying Connected
This final lesson assimilates everything you have learned into an action plan to move you forward on your whole-health journey. You will learn practical steps you can take to grow in God’s wisdom and increase your strength. Discover how engaging in community can be a powerful tool in helping you prioritize your goals, plan action, and set a course to stay in alignment with the shalom health God has for you. You will end this lesson with the next steps you need to continue your journey into health, wholeness, and fulfilling your destiny in God’s shalom.
Lesson 1: Build a Solid Foundation
When building a physical house to live in, it is impossible to install critical systems such as plumbing and electrical before pouring the foundation for the building to sit on. This is not only true with construction, but also with your finances. Unless you have a foundation of strong financial principles to build upon in proper sequence, your financial house cannot function properly! In this lesson you will learn what these Biblical financial principles are, and how you can implement them to create a solid foundation to build upon.
Lesson 2: Seek Vision, Not Provision
Do you work in your chosen field because you have a vision you are pursuing, or because you’re pursuing the income that the field brings with it? In this lesson, Craig teaches the principle that is critical to understand when it comes to your finances: provision follows vision, not the other way around! 
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How this class Works
This 4-section LIVE class officially starts on May 17. However, you will receive access to the first lessons as soon as you sign up. 

This class includes 4 sections with 39 pre-recorded short lessons along with 3 LIVE Q&A sessions.
Each section is comprised of anywhere between 4 to 19 lessons, each about 10–15 minutes long, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The four main sections:
  • Section 1: Welcome to HOPE!
  • ​Section 2: Body Health
  • ​Section 3: Soul Health
  • Section 4: Spirit Health
Each lesson has:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A transcript
Hope: Health- Original Purpose for Everyone
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Sections 1–2  (Wed, May 25 at 3 pm Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Section 3 (Wed, Jun 8 at 3 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Section 4 (Wed, Jun 22 at 3 pm Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Cheryl. These 3 LIVE sessions provide a great space for you to process with others and hear Cheryl answer member questions.

    If you miss any of the LIVE sessions, that is okay because we will post the replays on the Teachable member site.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to the private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    63% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 4–Section Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $800. However, you receive a $500 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    75% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by May 15)
    The normal retail price for this 4–Section Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $800. However, you receive a $600 savings, making your price only $200.
    Cash Savings
    bonus class
    Your Best 24-Hour Day: Understanding Your
    Body Clock
    7-Lesson Class with Cheryl Townsley
    (Must sign up by MAY 11)
    Your Best 24-Hour Day equips you to understand how God intended your day to flow.

    Within every 24-hours, there is an order to the day:
    • Evenings are a time to be covered and secure.
    • ​Days are for productivity, relationships, and being.
    • ​Mornings are a time to inspect, admire, care for and search.
    • ​Days are the picture of the flow of whole life and where or how it may be hindered.
    This bonus also comes with the Creating Your Best 24-Hour Day manual and is a powerful tool giving you a quick reference for each 2-hour block of the 24-hour day to help you create health all day long.
    • Lesson 1: Introduction: The Flow of Your Day
    • ​Lesson 2: Overwhelm: The Evening Hours
    • ​Lesson 3: Cleansing: The Nighttime Hours
    • ​Lesson 4: Embracing Your Day: Morning Hours
    • ​Lesson 5: Recap and Troubleshooting: Afternoon Hours, Part 1
    • ​Lesson 6: Recap and Troubleshooting: Afternoon Hours, Part 2
    • ​Lesson 7: Create a Game Plan
    Return to Paradise: A Biblical Foundation for Health
    Book by Cheryl Townsley 
    Shipped free anywhere in the world!
    (Must sign up by MAY 8)
    Is your life riddled with fatigue and sickness? Are you living a life of lack and dissatisfaction?

    Return to Paradise brings you powerful insight on these modern-day death grips. God created a beautiful garden for mankind. Adam and Eve had perfect health, perfect provision, and a God-given purpose. What about you?

    You can experience the adventure of paradise-living as you receive God’s revelation on...
    • Paradise – God’s Perfect Plan
    • ​Purpose –Living to the Max
    • ​Plan – Directions with a Foundation
    • ​Price – Investing in a Future
    • ​Partner – A Helpmate filled with Grace
    • ​Peace – The Ultimate Health
    • ​Power – Running a Green Light
    As you implement these life-changing steps, you will become the whole, healthy person God created you to be.
    bonus book
    bonus class
    Food Freedom
    2-Lesson Class by Cheryl Townsley
    (Must sign up by MAY 5)
    Food comes from two sources: (1) What God created, and (2) what man has tried to improve. God has given clear guidelines in His Word about food and eating. But how do you discern in today’s world what food has life on it and what doesn’t? In this class, Cheryl teaches you how to eat cleanly and gives you practical tools to make choices that will give you a lifetime of food freedom!
    • Lesson 1: What Does God Say About Food?
    • ​Lesson 2: Clean Eating
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    Awesome Testimonials
    This HOPE class is fertile ground for you to become WHOLE and HEALTHY!
    It is such a blessing to interact with one who knows the Designer and considers the whole person
    I absolutely loved the Hope program! There is so much good information & I have to keep going back to glean more!
    Thank you for making it so easy and practical. I love the passionate and fun way you teach. 
    —Arno, South Africa
    Thank you Dr. Townsley for this program. I had Covid last August, which left me with lots of issues. I am feeling so much better! 
    My 6 year old daughter has a hard time going to sleep and usually has nightmares during the night. Since using the resets, we’ve had peaceful nights and she sleeps quickly. She loves the reset! Thank you!  
    —Dennis, Australia
    I’m so grateful that I came across the H.O.P.E webinar and decided to invest in the course
    Tara Connell, New Zealand
    Co founder, Kingdom Business Builders
    Chaplain Liz Danielsen, Warrenton, Virginia
    Founder, Spiritual Care Support Ministries
    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    summary of what you get
    4-Section Class (with 39 pre-recorded lessons) ($500 value)
    • Section 1: Welcome to HOPE!
    • ​Section 2: Body Health
    • Section 3: Soul Health
    • Section 4: Spirit Health
    3 LIVE interactive Q&A Sessions ($300 value)
    • LIVE Q&A for Sections 1–2 (Wed, May 25 at 3 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Section 3 (Wed, June 8 at 3 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Section 4 (Wed, June 22 at 3 pm Eastern)
    • 63% savings: $300 instead of $800
    • 75% savings: $200 instead of $800 (sign up by May 15)
    • Your Best 24-Hour Day: Understanding Your Body Clock — 7-Lesson Class with Cheryl Townsley (sign up by May 11)
    • Return to Paradise: A Biblical Foundation for Health— Book by Cheryl Townsley— FREE book shipped free anywhere in the world (sign up by May 8)
    • Food Freedom — 2-Lesson Class with Cheryl Townsley (sign up by May 5)
    Additional benefits
    • LIFETIME access to the private member site
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming class will teach you to implement the steps to become the whole, healthy person God created you to be.

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
    Money Back 30-Day Guarantee
    HOPE: Health - Original Purpose for Everyone
    Priority Order Form
    YES! My desire is to prosper in body, soul and spirit!
    And receive all the class bonuses and benefits.
    Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancellation Policy.
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    Blessings to prosper in body, soul and spirit!
    Cheryl Townsley
    Lifestyle for Health
    Cheryl Townsley smiling
    Cheryl Townsley knows first-hand what it is like to lose her health, finances, and business and be one step from losing her life. That “moment of truth” shattered her perception of being invincible. Academia and corporate success faded into the background as she diligently sought to restore her health. That journey led to the creation of Lifestyle for Health (1990), authoring 17 books, and over 1,000 television and radio shows, plus working with tens of thousands of clients from around the world through the Lifestyle for Health Wellness Clinic.
    Copyright 2022 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.